Fear is a bad counsellor in our current society

Fear is a bad counsellor in our current society

I mentioned it earlier in my blog about stress: fear is in my opinion the ultimate source of the most debilitating stress. Fear to lose, fear to get hurt, fear to not be able to pay your dues, fear to be laughed at, fear to die, fear to live. Fear is evolutionary a...
It’s all about me

It’s all about me

In an earlier blog I told you about the detours I took in coming to where I am now. I don’t know whether you noticed, but I choose my words carefully. The following words just about sum it up: I was on the path that I thought my parents, siblings, friends,...
Beginning at the start – Part 2

Beginning at the start – Part 2

In Beginning at the start – part 1 I hope to have established that we, our collection of genes that make up the organism that we are, came into existence under completely different circumstances than those we are living in nowadays. In other words, we were...

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