High praise for Bing and Bibi

High praise for Bing and Bibi

Even though you have worked really hard to create a book and you know that were really pleased with it the moment that you sent it into the world, it is always great to hear that others agree. Especially when those others are highly rated in the literary world. You...
Wide awake

Wide awake

Five a clock in the morning and I’m wide awake. Both physically and mentally completely switched on. I do not feel startled or anything. I am just very, very, very awake and alert. It happens to me every now and then. I wake up with a feeling of urgency, of...
Silence is golden

Silence is golden

When I was about 18, a family member who was at my birthday commented on the appearance of one of the other guests. I remember the exact words, but they don’t translate well, so the gist will have to do. She basically said, loudly, that the person in question...

Decision, decisions

Lately some heavy-duty decision making has come my way. And with it a truckload of ‘what ifs’ have entered my head. Needless to say, being as highly developed as I am spiritually this doesn’t faze me at all. I just sit, meditate for a bit and, lo and...

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